Creating An End-of-Life Blueprint

Maybe you were diagnosed with a terminal illness. Maybe you had a close call. Maybe you just know that fear of death is holding you back from leading a full life.  Maybe you experienced the death of a loved one and know that things could have gone better, and want to make sure that the same things don’t happen to you and your loved ones. 

 Confronting death can benefit anyone and everyone, regardless of your age or health status. 

Like exposure therapy, taking death out from the shadows and having a good look at it in the light of day makes it less scary. Unpacking the scenarios that seem so unacceptable and figuring out what you can do to make them more acceptable can soften the hardest edges of your fears. Creating a blueprint for your own personal image of a good death can transform your relationship with death. 

You no longer have to see your death as a tragedy that fills you with horror. You can start to look at it as something that is simply part of being in harmony with nature. Something sacred and mysterious.

Interested in learning more about my approach? Book a complimentary introductory call with me and we’ll talk through it together. Just curious to learn more? Read more on my blog or check out the resources page for other great practitioners in this arena, including death doulas and others.

Photo Cred: Avery Klien, Unsplash


Lyrics to ‘A Song for Dying’


Why should I focus on my own death when I am grieving for someone else’s?